Our Projects and Initiatives

Holywood Shared Town has undertaken a wide-ranging variety of projects in the local community. 


Projects have improved the local environment, encouraged community participation and togetherness, increased local knowledge of history and provided opportunities for cultural and social engagement in the Town and surrounding areas. 


Take a look below at some of our initiatives, past and present. 



We were delighted to welcome a refugee family to Holywood in June 2023, a mum on her own with four small children under 10. The family arrived on a beautiful summer evening and were treated to a delicious meal prepared by one of our amazing volunteers. Miraculously the first couple of weeks were uncharacteristically sunny, getting things off to a great start as the family, wiethe our help, began to get to know their local patch - the shops, the school, the surgery, the playground, the beach. Before long the family became a familiar sight in the play park on long, summer evenings....


Read more on our page.


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