Our Projects and Initiatives

Holywood Shared Town has undertaken a wide-ranging variety of projects in the local community. 


Projects have improved the local environment, encouraged community participation and togetherness, increased local knowledge of history and provided opportunities for cultural and social engagement in the Town and surrounding areas. 


Take a look below at some of our initiatives, past and present. 

Fiddle Field Allotments




To bring further opportunities for self-sustainability at local and community levels, Holywood Shared Town have been exploring the potential for allotments and opportunities for food growing.  So many allotment sites are oversubscribed so being able to increase provision for allotments would be a fantastic asset for Holywood.  


This project is in its infancy, and discussions and the 'legal bits' are being done to develop land at this site, licensed from NIEA, into a community growing area.


HST hope to begin consultation on this project soon. 


We'll keep you posted!